Denmarks .dk – How the Internet made its way to Denmark

Here you can download the book about DIFO, Punktum dk and the internet in Denmark for free.

E-book (Danish version)

ePub reflowable edition

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ePub fixed layout

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E-book (English version)

ePub reflowable edition

Standard format where you can adjust font sizes and types yourself. Same format as known from e-book streaming services.

From the foreword

"On 1 July, 2024, it will be 25 years since DIFO was established and tasked with managing the administration of the .dk domain. We would like to commemorate this with the publication of this book which tells the story of the Danish top-level domain and thus also about DIFO and the subsidiary Punktum dk, which is the administration company that Danes became acquainted with in the management of their domain names.

We wanted to publish this book not only to mark DIFO’s anniversary but also to preserve and document an important part of Denmark’s technology history while firsthand witnesses can still report on it. The story of .dk is the story of a piece of critical digital national infrastructure of enormous practical significance. It is also the story of a unique governance model that was developed at DIFO’s inception and has proved to be an extremely effective framework for the administration of .dk over the years. Finally, the story also includes a business history of the many small Danish companies that were founded when Danes began to demand domain names, some of which today are part of large European conglomerates.

It is tempting to think that the story of a technical infrastructure would be a bit on the dry side. However, as the book clearly shows, the story of .dk contains several dramas. In recent years, the .dk ship has fortunately sailed in calm waters, and we have been able to focus on launching a series of initiatives that contribute to the safety of Danes when they navigate the Internet. You can also read about this newer part of the .dk story in the book.

We asked the two copywriters, Katrine Quorning and Mia Rasmussen, to tell the story on our behalf. The book has been created in a collaboration, wherein we have set the overall framework for the narrative which the copywriters have then filled in, including through interviews with a wide range of people who, over the years, have contributed to the development and management of .dk. Thanks to Katrine and Mia for a good and constructive collaboration as well as to everyone who has contributed their stories and thus made this book possible."

Bogen om .dk

Denmark’s .dk

Join us on a journey through the history of how the internet came to the Danes.