Information and complaints

At times it may be necessary to make a complaint about a domain name or request release of data. On this page, we guide you on what to do.

Do you think you have the right to a domain?

If you believe that you have more rights to a domain name that someone else has registered, you can complain to the Complaints Board for Domain Names.

Read more
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Have you won a complaint?

Read about how you can get a domain transferred after a complaint.

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Do you want to complain about the content of a website?

In very few cases, we can take action against the content of a website. Read more about what you can do depending on the type of content involved.

Frequently asked questions

You must contact the Danish National Register of Persons (Folkeregistret) and apply for name and address protection in the register of persons. Once you have name and address protection, you will also be hidden in the whois database.

Read more about name and address protection at

If you have name and address protection, your personal data will not be publicly accessible. However, if you have an agreement with a third party, e.g. if you have appointed a proxy or billing contact to assist with managing and paying for your domain name, these third parties will be able to view your information.

However, this requires that they log in to our self-service portal with their user ID and password, or with their MitID if they have linked MitID to their user ID. If you have opted to have your domain name handled by a registrar, i.e. covered by registrar management, your registrar can also view your personal data.

In addition, Punktum dk discloses personal data to third parties who are entitled to receive such data under Danish legislation. This also applies to individuals whose name and address have protected status in the CPR register.

You can read more about our disclosure of personal data in Punktum dk’s privacy policy.


We check the identity to ensure, that we have the correct identity and correct contact information for the registrants of .dk domains. We do this to prevent improper use of the registrant’s name in connection with cybercrime.


Have you won a complaint?

Read about how you can get a domain transferred after a complaint.