Frequently asked questions
Below you will find a list of the questions we most often get and an answer that can help you further.
- The setup and management of the selected information can be found in the Registrar portal under the menu item 'ADMINISTRATION' > 'PUBLIC INFORMATIONS' - Click on 'EDIT".
2. Mark the services that you offer:
3. Choose to offer domain name registration for everyone.
Choose to participate in the Punktum dk referral program. Accept the terms. Now you can fill the registration referral information.
Specify the URL and method that you want to use when a domain name is transferred to you. (GET or POST)
Enter your price for a .dk domain name.
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(For Danish registrars)
You must sign a new registrar agreement with us and get a new reg-handle if you have changed your VAT number. Your old registrar agreement will be annulled, and the old REG-user-ID will be closed.
Remember to get the list of domains on the old REG-user-ID, if they are to be managed with the new REG-user-ID.
How to do it:
- Fill out contact form with the new information
- Punktum dk will send the registrar contract, for you to sign
- After we receive the signed contract, you will have access to the registrar portal where you can deposit DKK 10.000 for the first year’s registrar fee.
- After the registrar fee is deducted, we will activate the REG_user-ID and you will now have access to EPP and the domainname list. And will be able to register .dk-domains again.
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You need IP whitelists to use EPP, the domain name list, the sandbox, and the registrar portal. On the registrar portal, you can even whitelist your IP address for the other services.
If you need to log in to the registrar portal, make sure that you are registered as a user and that the IP address you log in from is whitelisted in the registrar portal.
If the above is not the case, you will not be able to access the registrar portal. You must therefore contact a user in your organization who already has access and is the administrator of your REG handle, who can then whitelist the desired IP address and / or create you as a user.
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You must be approved by Punktum dk to become a reseller of .dk domain names.
If you wish to become a registrar, please contact us via our contact form below and you will receive more information. Anyone can apply to be approved as a registrar.
The registrar is i.a. responsible for forwarding an application for the .dk domain name to Punktum dk and ensuring that there is an active name service for the domain name on at least two name servers approved by Punktum dk.
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To terminate your registrar agreement and get your deposit back, please write to us via the contact form below:
In it you should specify:
- from when you wish to terminate your agreement
- which account number you want to receive any remaining deposit
We will then close your account. Any balance in the prepaid account will be paid out when the registrar agreement is terminated. Indicate which account number the receivable is to be paid to. This is done via self-service .dk, where you must log in with REG user ID.
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Do you need to get in touch with us?
If you have a registrar agreement, you can call us:
+45 51 27 06 75.
Monday-Thursday 9:00 - 16:00 and Friday 9:00 - 14:00