
Operational status

On status.punktum.dk you get an overview and and can subscribe to get notifications on Punktum dk's services and operational status.

Operational means that all services work as expected.

We have divided disruptions to operational status into two main groups: spontaneous incidents and scheduled maintenance. Incidents are further divided into three categories corresponding to the extent of the problem:

1. spontaneously occurring incidents.

Degraded performance appears, for example, if our services have longer response times.

Partial outage appears for minor issues with accessibility to services.

Major outage appears for major issues with accessibility to services.

2. scheduled maintenance

Under maintenance is used for scheduled downtime or maintenance.

For navneserveransvarlige

Operational status

It is possible to subscribe to spontaneous events and scheduled maintenance.
You can receive notifications on e.g. e-mail, SMS, slack and RSS.