I want to change name servers, but it’s not working. What should I do?

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When transferring name servers for a .dk domain name, you must ensure that the future name servers are set up correctly and registered with us so that you can use them.

If you receive an error message that the name server has not been registered with Punktum dk, you should ask the name server provider to register the name server by following this guide.


If you get the error “NS records are missing from the name server”, you can use the “Zonemaster” tool to check what the problem is:

After you have run the test under “Pre-delegated domain name”, you will be told which setting errors are preventing you from changing name servers.
You can copy the link that appears on the page and send it to your name server provider so they can resolve the error.

If the error is due to incorrect configuration of the name server or to a server that has not been registered with Punktum dk, this is unfortunately not an issue that our Customer Service can help with. This is something only the name server provider can remedy.