Technical services

Punktum dk provides a number of technical systems that make the Danish name service on the Internet work.


WHOIS is a standardised protocol querying registries. Punktum dk offer a WHOIS service for querying domain names, user handles and name server host names registered with the Punktum dk registry.

The service is available for the public and requires no additional integration apart from a WHOIS client available on most modern operating systems.

For details and more information, please see our technical specifications.


DAS - Domain Availability Service – is a lightweight service for querying domain names for availability with the Punktum dk registry.

Punktum dk offers DAS for registrars for integration with local technical platforms using basic HTTP requests.

The service requires a registrar account with Punktum dk.

For details and more information please see our technical specifications at GitHub.


The DSU (DS Update) service is a lightweight service for uploading DS keys for domain names with the Punktum dk registry.

The service permits the addition and removal of DS keys.

The service requires a name server administrator account with Punktum dk.

For details and more information, please see our technical specifications at GitHub.

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