Need information about an anonymous registrant?
If you need information about an anonymous registrant, please send a request for the information by filling out our contact form.
It is important that your request includes information about:
- who wants the information
- what the information is to be used for
- explanation and possible documentation of your legal interest in the information
Decision on release
When we have received your request, we initially assess whether you have a legal interest in having the information disclosed. If we decide this to be the case, your request will be forwarded to the anonymous registrant. The registrant then has 14 days to accept that the information is provided, or to object to the information being provided.
When the deadline has expired, we will make a decision on whether or not the registrant's objections to the release of the information must be given greater weight than your legal interest, or whether the information can be released.
In the decision, we take the information that we have received from you into account and the information that we have received from the registrant. We also consider, whether the matter is of an urgent nature, or whether a publication order can be awaited.
Appeal procedures
If we decide against releasing the requested data, and if you require the information to make a decision on who to sue, you may apply for a discovery order against Punktum dk according to Section 299 and Section 343 (1) of the Danish Administration of Justice Act. These sections contain the authority, according to current legal practice, to obtain a court order for release of data from a third party, even if said data are not required in connection with a pending court case.
For the full wording of our procedure for disclosing information about anonymous registrants, including what additional criteria we base the decision on, see here.
Read more about your rights of appeal if you are not satisfied with Punktum dk’s decision.
If you yourself are the anonymous registrant
Read more about the protection you have when you are anonymously registered.