Punktum dk may release information about registrants to the following public authorities.
Police and prosecuting authorities
In accordance with the Danish Act on Processing of Personal Data, personal data associated with registrations of .dk domain names may be released to police and prosecuting authorities when required for investigations of criminal offences. The individuals concerned will not be informed about the release of the data.
Danish Complaints Board for Domain Names
In accordance with the Danish Domain Names Act, personal data associated with registrations of .dk domain names may be released to the Danish Complaints Board for Domain Names when required by the Complaints Board in connection with processing of a complaint.
Danish Ministry of Culture
When required by the Danish Act on Legal Deposit of Published Material, and in accordance with the Danish Act on Processing of Personal Data, personal data associated with registrations of .dk domain names may be released to the Danish Ministry of Culture. The individuals concerned will not be informed about the release of the data.
Danish tax authorities (SKAT)
When the request for release of data is based on Section 8 C of the Danish Tax Control Act and/or Section 75 (1) of the Danish Value-Added Tax Act, personal data associated with registrations of .dk domain names and user IDs may be released to the Danish tax authorities (SKAT). In such cases, unless SKAT requests otherwise, Punktum dk will inform the individuals concerned.
Danish Data Inspectorate
Personal data associated with registrations of .dk domain names and user IDs may be released to the Danish Data Inspectorate when release of data is requested in the course of the Danish Data Inspectorate’s hearing of a complaint. In such cases, unless the Danish Data Inspectorate requests otherwise, Punktum dk will inform the individuals concerned.
Other public authorities
In the case of public authorities other than those mentioned above, Punktum dk may release personal data associated with the registration of .dk domain names if this is required pursuant to other legislation.
In such cases, Punktum dk will inform the individuals concerned, unless in the course of its case administration the public authority in question deems it inappropriate to inform the individuals concerned and expressly requests Punktum dk to refrain from doing so.
Request for data
If you are a public authority and you require access to publicly available information, read more here.