Information for the Danish police

We have collected the information that the police authorities need in connection with .dk domains.

Punktum dk acts as a directory on the Internet for .dk domain names. When you type a .dk domain name into your browser, Punktum dk directs you to the right web server.

Thus, Punktum dk has no influence on the content of a website. Punktum dk neither transmits nor stores the content of a website. Content on websites is located on the web hosting company's server.

Punktum dk can intervene if it is a Danish domain name. If it is a website that ends in, e.g. .com, .net or .org, Punktum dk cannot do anything.

You can find information about the registrant by looking up the domain name in the public WHOIS database on Punktum dk's website. Enter the domain name in "search .dk domain name" on the front page of the website.

You can request the information that is not publicly available by contacting Punktum dk via the support form, or via Punktum dk's website, use the category "More information ”, then “Disclosure of information” and “Information to authorities”. We will then look at your request,

The Internet works in an interaction between several technical intermediaries, each of which provides a unique service that enables the Internet user to view a website.

In connection with illegal content on the web, the primary players are:

  • The person who posted the content
  • The web hosting company
  • The Internet service provider (the ISP, often a telecommunications company)
  • The domain hosting company / The name server responsible
  • Domain administrator (Punktum dk)

An order for the seizure of a .dk domain name is implemented by handing the domain name over to the Danish police.

When a domain name is seized, the Danish police can decide which website the domain name must point to or refrain from pointing to a website. At the same time as the registrant can no longer use the domain name to point the internet user to a website, the registrant also loses access to all services under the domain name, including e-mail services. Confiscation of a domain name can therefore also have unintended or disproportionate consequences for the registrant's otherwise legal activities.

The illegal content is still on the Internet and can be accessed directly via the IP address.

The registrant can register a new domain name and have it pointed to the website with the illegal content.

An order to "block" a specific .dk domain name is implemented by Punktum dk by deactivating the domain name and thus deactivating the "directory function". As a result, immediate access to a website is cut off.

However, the illegal content is still on the Internet and can be accessed via the IP address.

While the domain name can no longer point internet users to a website, including subpages, all services under the domain name are closed, including e-mail services. Blocking a domain name can therefore also have unintended or disproportionate consequences for the registrant's otherwise legal activities.

The registrant can register a new domain name and have it pointed to

the website with the illegal content.

Customer service is open

Monday 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday 09:00 - 16:00
Friday 09:00 - 14:00

If you need help or have questions, please contact us, and we will get back to you as fast as possible. 

Other contact options

You can also get in touch calling us +45 33 64 60 60, alternatively we can call you back as soon as we are available again.

Customer service is closed

Monday 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday 09:00 - 16:00
Friday 09:00 - 14:00

If you need help or have questions, please contact us, and we will get back to you as fast as possible.