Ad. 3 - Punktum dk´s name and address
In Danish:
Punktum dk A/S
Ørestads Boulevard 108, 11. etage
2300 København S
In English:
Punktum dk A/S
Ørestads Boulevard 108, 11th floor
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Ad. 4 Text from Punktum dk about entering into the agreement. Paragraph 2.6 in the Registrar Contract
In Danish:
Jeg accepterer hermed at indgå en aftale om brugsret til det angivne .dk-domænenavn på de vilkår, der gælder herfor. Dette indebærer bl.a., at jeg til enhver tid skal sikre, at mine kontaktoplysninger som registrant er korrekte. Jeg gennemfører Punktum dk A/S' identitetskontrol, når der anmodes herom.
Min brugsret til det angivne .dk-domænenavn kan overdrages, suspenderes, slettes og blokeres på de betingelser, der fremgår af Punktum dk A/S' vilkår.
Jeg accepterer, at jeg efter den danske forbrugeraftalelov, § 18, stk. 2, nr. 13 giver afkald på retten til at fortryde indgåelse af aftale om brugsret til det angivne .dk-domænenavn.
Jeg er indforstået med, at Punktum dk A/S som domæneadministrator anvender personoplysninger om mig i overensstemmelse med sin persondatapolitik..
Jeg er indforstået med, at betaling for den første registreringsperiode af det angivne .dk-domænenavn sker til [INDSÆT EGET FIRMANAVN], og at betaling for efterfølgende registreringsperioder afhænger af mit valg af håndteringsordning, jf. punkt 2.1 i Punktum dk A/S' vilkår.
In English:
I hereby agree to enter into an agreement on the right to use the specified .dk domain name according to the terms applicable hereto. Among other things, this means that I will ensure that my contact details as a registrant are accurate at all times. I will perform Punktum dk A/S' identity check when requested to do so.
My right to use the specified .dk domain name may be transferred, suspended, deleted, or blocked according to the conditions set out in Punktum dk A/S' terms of use.
Pursuant to Section 18 (2) (13) of the Danish Consumer Contract Act, I agree to renounce the right to withdraw from the agreement on the right to use the specified .dk domain name.
I give my consent for Punktum dk A/S, as domain administrator, to use my personal data in accordance with its personal data policy.
I agree that I will pay to [YOUR COMPANY NAME] the fee for the first registration period for the specified .dk domain name, and that payment for subsequent registration periods depends on my choice of management arrangement, cf. section 2.1 of Punktum dk A/S' terms and conditions.
Ad. 5
Link to Punktum dk's terms
In Danish:
In English:
Ad. 6
Link to Punktum dk's privacy policy
In Danish:
In English:
Ad. 8
Logo, introduction text, link to website
Introduction text
In Danish: For at registrere et .dk-domænenavn skal du indgå en aftale om brugsret med Punktum dk A/S. Punktum dk er administrator for alle .dk-domænenavne.
In English: To register a .dk domain name, you have to enter into an agreement with Punktum dk A/S. Punktum dk is the administrator for all .dk domain names.
Link to Punktum dk 's website
Method 2
Ad. 1
Informationstekst om aftaleindgåelse. Punkt 2.7. i Forhandlerkontrakt
In Danish
Din ansøgning om det angivne .dk-domænenavnet sendes til Punktum dk A/S, som vil kontakte dig per e-mail for, at du kan indgå en aftale om brugsret til domænenavnet på de vilkår, der gælder herfor. Dette er en betingelse for, at du kan blive registrant af domænenavnet. Vær opmærksom på, at aftalen skal indgås indenfor 4 dage efter, at du har modtaget e-mailen fra Punktum dk.
Du accepterer i den forbindelse, at du efter den danske forbrugeraftalelov, § 18, stk. 2, nr. 13 giver afkald på retten til at fortryde indgåelse af aftale om brugsret til det angivne .dk-domænenavn, samt at du er indforstået med, at Punktum dk A/S som domæneadministrator anvender personoplysninger om dig i overensstemmelse med sin persondatapolitik.
In English
Your application for the specified .dk domain name will be sent to Punktum dk A/S. Punktum dk A/S will contact you per email to enter into an agreement on the right to use the domain name according to the terms and conditions that apply hereto. This is a condition for becoming registrant of the domain name. Please note that you must inter into the agreement no later than 4 days after you received the email from Punktum dk.
In this context, you agree, pursuant to Section 18 (2) (13) of the Danish Consumer Contract Act, to renounce the right to withdraw from the agreement on the right to use the specified .dk domain name. Furthermore, you give your consent for Punktum dk A/S, as domain administrator, to use your personal data in accordance with its personal data policy.
Text for payer and proxy consent, Paragraph 3.3 in the Registrar Contract
In Danish
Ved at lade [angivelse af registrator] være betaler på dit domænenavn, er du indforstået med, at du giver [angivelse af registrator] ret til at foretage betalinger til Punktum dk på dine vegne. Du kan til enhver tid ændre dette på Punktum dk's selvbetjening. Læs mere om Punktum dk og betaling direkte til Punktum dk her. [LINK TIL:]
In English
By allowing [specify registrar] to be payer on your domain name, you agree that you give [specify registrar] the right to make payments to Punktum dk on your behalf. You can at any point change this at Punktum dk's self-service. Read more about Punktum dk and paying directly to Punktum dk here [LINK TO:]
In Danish
Ved at lade [angivelse af registrator] være fuldmægtig på domænenavnet, er du som registrant indforstået med, at du giver registrator ret til at varetage administrationen af dit domænenavn - dog ikke slette, overdrage eller skifte e-mailadresse. Du kan til enhver tid ændre dette på Punktum dk's selvbetjening. Her kan du også læse mere om fuldmægtig-rollen [LINK TIL:]
In English
By allowing [specify registrar] to be proxy for the domain name, you, as the registrant, give your consent for the registrar to handle administration of your domain name – but not to delete, transfer or change the email address. You can change this at any time on Punktum dk’s self-service portal. You can read more about the proxy role here [LINK TO:]
Ekstra information about id check and the domain name in the .dk zone
Allocating user IDs to existing customers
If Punktum dk can see that the applicant is already a registrant, the applicant’s existing user ID will be allocated.
ID check and the domain name in the zone
If the customer is a new registrant and is resident in Denmark, the customer’s ID must be checked before the domain name can be added to the zone.
Punktum dk will send the registrant an email with a link to the ID check, if this is required.
If the customer is an existing registrant, the customer’s existing user ID will be allocated to the new domain names. This is because there is a good chance that the existing user ID has already been checked. If this is the case, the customer’s domain name will be active as soon as the agreement is concluded.
If the customer is a registrant living outside Denmark, a risk assessment of the customer will be carried out when the application is submitted. If Punktum dk considers it necessary, the customer will be subjected to further ID checks. If not, the customer’s domain name will be active as soon as the agreement is concluded.