Known issues

Known issues

Overblik over known issues i vores services, som vi arbejder på.

Listen herunder er ikke prioriteret. Under listen med åbne issues, er der en kronologisk oversigt over udbedringen af known issues.

#1951 - Invalid response code 1000 on failed commands Open

#2086 - Occasional timeout on domain:transfer Open

#2348 - Improve error handling for incorrect use of authinfo token - Open

Recently adressed issues

29. March, 2023

Release (EPP 4.10.0 and RP 3.14.1)

#2430 - Incorrect exDate in resData on domain:transfer

#2432 - resData missing in poll message on domain deletion

#2420 - Error updating contact secondary email

27. March, 2023

No release associated

#2419 - Invalid format of Message-Id

21. February, 2023

Release ( EPP 4.9.0 and RP 3.13.0)

#2280 - Poll message on change nameservers occacionally missing host names

#2193 - Missing receipt when completing payments to prepaid account

5. January, 2023

Release (EPP 4.8.1)

#2217 - External redelegation with unlinked user id not possible in EPP

#2236 -  Degraded performance of info:contact

23. November

Release (EPP 4.7.0, RP 3.11.0 and SB 5.12.0)

#2142 - Allow transfer to registrar handling without triggering ID control

#2085 - Domain name missing from ID control email reminder

#2147 - Error when attempting renew via registrar portal

17. November

Release (EPP 4.6.1)

#2150 - Error updating email on register locked contact via EPP when street2 is set

#2171 - Error when attempting REDEL on non-registrar handled domains

19. November

Release (RP 3.11.0)

#2147 - Error when attempting renew via registrar portal

10. November

Release (RP 3.10.0)

#1956 - Enable registrar alerts on prepaid balance

7. November

Release (EPP 4.6.0, WHOISD 5.1.0 and SB 5.11.0)

#1954 - Possible to transfer domain name to yourself

#2038 - Missing receipt to former NSA on completed domain redelegation

#2043 - Allow NSA to modify DNSSEC on registrar handled domains

#2066 - EPP field domain:paDate incorrectly formatted

#2071 - EPP host:create triggers request to linked NSA on non .dk nameservers

#2085 - Domain name missing from ID control email reminde

#2109 - Empty XML document when receiving data

#2108 - EPP client transaction id mismatch

11. October, 2022

No release associated

Possible to change contact information on registrar handled domains [#1953]

20. September, 2022

No release associated

We are currently not suspending due to missing payments. We are still suspending domain names, where explicit cancellation of the subscription is requested or ID-control has not been successfully completed. Deletion to to end of the grace period in relation to suspension is also withheld for now. [#10483]

19. September, 2022

Release (RP 3.9.0)

Invoice specifications not accessible in registrar portal [#1981]

15. September, 2022

Release (EPP 4.5.0)

New EPP poll messages are missing domain information in separate field. [#1937]

Do not issue approval request on create nameserver for linked NSA [#1950]

svTRID does not match between create:domain and related poll messages [#2016]

14. September, 2022

No release associated

Not possible to activate DNSSEC on non-activated domains [#1958]

10. August, 2022

Release (SB 5.9.1)

Missing receipt in registrant self-service portal (SB) after completion of external redelegation. [#1936]

29. June, 2022

Release (RP 3.7.0)

Enable usage of alternate registrar email for receiving financial documents. [#10511] 

7. June, 2022

Release (SB 5.8.0)

Unactivated domains are spooled to zone prior to deletion. When unactivated domains are marked for deletion, they are wrongfully being made available in zone. [#10519]

5. May, 2022

No release associated

Allow registrar to manage all nameserver records on domains under registrar management. [#9453]

28. April, 2022

Release (RP 3.5.0)

Error when trying to registrer non .dk nameservers via registrar portal. [#11317]

Format of AUTHINFO token on VID domains not following specification. When issuing Authinfo tokens related to domains under VID service, the generated token does not match format specification. [#11489]

3. March, 2022

No release associated

Implementation of model 2 for support for resolution based on billing contact role for registrar management transfer during transition period. [#10471] 

2. March, 2022

Release (EPP 4.3.0)

We have been requested to improve the return codes and error messages prohibiting and blocking transfers. These are too general and useless from a client perspective. [#10012] 

No release associated

Creation of DSRECORDS not possible on VID domains without VID contact defined [#10625] 

28. February, 2022

No release associated

Registrars can experience issues with reporting components not loading in the registrar portal. The underlying problem has been identified and we are working on a solution. [#SYSOPS-19506] 

15. February, 2022

No release associated

Several registrars have reported degradation of service for EPP requests, the long response times, see to be for in general and for all commands. We are investigating the issue. [#9946] 

9. February 2022

Release (RP 3.3.0and SB 5.4.0)

Some registrars are lacking the ability to add name servers and name server administrators to their registrar account in the registrar portal. This is when no WHOIS handle pointing to name server administrator is linked to their account. The issue is mostly observed in the sandbox environment. We are working on providing the capabilities to the registrar accounts, which do not have existing WHOIS handles with name server administrator roles linked to their account. [#9941]

7. February, 2022

No release associated

Some registrars can experience incorrect prepaid balance being displayed in the registrar portal (RP) (#10850) 

18. January, 2022

Release (RP 3.2.0 and EPP 4.2.0)

When doing a transfer only the e-mails related to the asynchronous transfer operation is sent, not messages available for poll via EPP. [#9863] 

When doing a change of ownership, only the e-mails related to the asynchronous operation is sent, but not messages available for poll via EPP. [#9979] 

The current business rules for the time frame allowing for manual renewal and it does not balance with the registrar requirements. We are looking into improving the business rules, so it will be possible for registrars to do manual renewal up to the expiration date for a domain name: this both for registrant managed domain names where the registrar act as the billing contact and for domain names that are registrar managed. [#10288]

10. December, 2021

No release associated

After a domain name have been registered, we observe long waiting times for additional operations to be executable. We are working on improving the overall performance of the internal communication and handling of the events necessary to ensure that data are in the right state. [#9945]

2. December, 2021

Release RP 3.1.0

When inspecting a registered domain name in any of our services, the expiry date might be dated in the past after renewal, due to a synchronization issue with our finance system. We are looking into a more improved presentation of dates to address this issue, and to provide a more fine-grained insights into dates related to domain names. [#9902] 

Some registrars are reporting authorization errors on registrar operations on contacts under registrar management. We are investigating the issue. [#9944] 

When linking name server administrator handles to large registrar accounts the operation fail with a timeout error. We are working on improving the overall performance and allocating the time-consuming processing to background processing, so the client does not experience timeout issues. [#9940]

No release associated

We currently observe issues with the implementation of the process for change of ownership for registrar managed domain names. We have located the bug and are working on a resolution. [#10287] 

11. November, 2021

No release associated

Our business rule implementation is prohibiting transfer of domain names between registrars and from registry to registrar when the registrant is not yet successfully ID-controlled. We are working on updating the documentation to clarify this, and we are evaluating the currently implementation for possible improvements or changes. [#9942]

2. November, 2021

Release SB 5.1.4 & RP 3.0.5

Addition of DSRECORDs via the Self-service portal as name server administrator, registrant and proxy fails. [#9943]

When a WHOIS handle associated with a registrar account is appointed the role as a new name server administrator, the accept of the name server administrator role in the registrar portal fails with timeout error. We are looking into improving the performance and allocating the time-consuming processing to background processing, so the client does not experience timeout issues. [#9776]

10. October, 2021

Release EPP 4.0.5

The domain name application related poll messages for accept or decline of the application are currently missing and only the poll message indicating the pending processing of the domain name application arrives. We are looking into this issue with resolution of contacts points regarding service users and registrar groups.

6. October, 2021

Release RP 3.0.4

In the Registrar portal archived account transactions shows nothing if start or end dates for the query are changed

4. October, 2021

Release SB 5.1.0

For registrar managed domain names, the registrar account details are currently displayed in the Self-service portal instead of the public information. We are working on shielding of the information short term and in the long term we want to improve the presentation and displayed data using public information and data.

In the Self-service portal the change of ownership process for end-users utilizing the user ID to designate the new registrant fails.

Anonymous creation of name servers for public use via the self-service portal fails. 

1. October, 2021

Change of ownership as registrar fails in RP and EPP

No release associated

30. September, 2021

Release EPP 4.0.4

Domain name application via EPP, can fail due to error in account number resolution for service users. 

Release RP 3.0.3

Impossible to enable 2FA (2-factor authentication) for both single users and on policy level for the registrar account in the registrar portal.


The list is not sorted by severity

  • We are working on multiple issues in parallel

The list is not complete

  • It displays publicly visible and relatable issues
  • Internal issues are not disclosed
  • Some issues are still in triage (pre-development)

When reporting issues, please use the contact form.

  • We may reach out with a request for more information and details if needed

Delivery estimates

Sprint based delivery dates are estimates and might be subject to change due to priorities, scheduling constraints or other circumstances.