EPP er en standardiseret protokol til at kommunikere om registrantdata administrator og registratorer imellem.

EPP-protokollen er en computer-til-computer-kommunikation i en klient-server installation ved hjælp af XML.

Punktum dk tilbyder EPP-service til registratorer for, at de kan automatisere registrering og integrere på en lokal teknisk platform. EPP kan bruges til: 

  • Ad hoc fornyelse af domænenavne
  • Skift af navneservere
  • Skift af betaler
  • Skift af fuldmægtig
  • Opdatering af DNSSEC-data
  • Oprettelse af navneservere
  • Opdatering af navneservere
  • Sletning af navneservere
  • Indførelse af statuskoder og slettedato på domænenavne
  • Udvidelse af EPP som kommunikationskanal

Tjenesten kræver en forhandler konto hos Punktum dk, det kan du læse mere om her.

EPP - tekniske spørgsmål og svar

From time to time, users can experience this kind of problem due to a session timeout issues in our infrastructure. As a workaround please try to logout of EPP and back in again, before attempting to issue the failed command again.

There’s currently an open invoice on this domain. As long as this hasn't been paid, renew is not possible.


The application is awaiting the registrants acceptance of our terms.

There is at 4 days limit, until midnight, for the registrant to respond. The domain is not created, but put on hold (reserved) until the above is completed.

Failure to respond, the hold is removed and the domain is made available againg for registration. You will not be billed for the the reservation period.

There are certain limitations on specific operations due to various business rules.

The mentioned message is our generic response, when you trigger om of these rules.

We are contiously adding more specific error messages to make our error messages more meaningful to you.

We do not have a complete list of poll messages at the moment.

Please refer to https://github.com/Punktum-dk/epp-service-specification where you should be able to find most of the scenarios explained.


EPP Specifikationer

Hent dem i GitHub!