The overview below shows the public consultations that have been held and the status of them.
16. December, 2024
Should the current model for how .dk domain names can be handled be changed, or should it be maintained in its current form?
The Danish Internet Forum (DIFO) invites the Danish internet community to participate in an oral hearing on which model DIFO should choose in the future for handling registrants' .dk domain names.
The oral hearing will be followed by a written hearing in both Danish and English in January 2025.
Status: Open
Audience: The Internet community
5 January 2024
Written consultation on the use of special characters in dk domains
Is there reason to consider a need to expand the use of special characters in Danish domain names?
Based on the consultation, DIFO has found no basis for expanding the number of special characters in .dk domain names at this time.
Read summary of the written hearing here (Danish only).
Status: Completed
Audience: The Internet community
18 September 2023
Written hearing on administrative orders on the blocking of websites and domain names
Should public authorities be able to issue orders to block access to websites and domain names without a court order, but only on the basis of a decision?
Based on the consultation responses, DIFO has decided to maintain its current position that a judicial review must take place.
Read summary of oral and written hearing here.
Status: Completed
Audience: The Internet community
19 May 2023
Oral hearing on administrative orders on the blocking of websites and domain names
Should public authorities be able to issue orders to block access to websites and domain names without a court order, but only on the basis of a decision?
Read summary of oral hearing here.
Status: Completed
Audience: The Internet community
29 November 2021
DIFO’s public consultation regarding new terms for .dk domain names to combat cybercrime
The Supreme Court has ruled a new state of law on who should deal with illegal content on the web. In order to spread the word about this, DIFO has decided to change DK Hostmaster’s Terms of Use to a .dk domain name.
Status: Completed
Audience: Registrants and the Internet community
10 January 2020
DK Hostmaster’s public consultation on draft of Terms of Use for a .dk domain name
DK Hostmaster’s invitation to provide input on updated terms on accurate registrant data and strengthened the possibility for registrants to let a registrar manage his og her domain names separately.
Status: Completed
Audience: Registrants and the Internet community
10 January 2020
DK Hostmaster’s registrar consultation on draft to a new registrar contract
DK Hostmaster’s discussion with registrars about their updated terms for being able to manage domain names on behalf of registrants, financial settlement with DK Hostmaster and strengthened requirements for information security.
Status: Completed
Audience: Registrars
13 November 2019
DIFO’s public consultation on DIFO’s role in the fight against online crime
DIFO’s dialog with the internet community about the use of so-called Trusted Notifiers, proactive knowledge sharing about malware and extended access to complaints about content on websites.
Read DIFO’s notes on the consultation here.
Status: Completed
Audience: The Internet community
22 June 2017
DIFO’s public consultation on draft of new terms for users of .dk domain name
DIFO’s invitation to provide input on tightening the terms regarding on accurate registrant data and concrete opportunities for improvement in DK Hostmaster’s domain administration.
Status: Completed
Audience: Registrants and the Internet community
6 June 2016
DIFO’s public consultation on DIFO’s role in the fight against cybercrime
DIFO’s dialog with the internet community on combating crime in domain administration, especially with a focus on the possibilities of tightening the requirement for accurate registrant data.
Status: Completed
Audience: The Internet community