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Emnerne er valgt ud fra dine input af interesser samt oplysninger, du har brug for at vide som forhandler. 

Dine input til emner er altid i vores interesse, så lad os vide om der er emner I er interesseret i at vide mere om ved at skrive til Relationship manager Elin Smeby

Juni 2024

  • Registrar user survey
  • How the Internet made its way to Denmark. E-book
  • Launch date unikpånettet.dk
  • Save the date for dinner at ICANN
  • Customer service phones Thursday 27th of June
  • New features on the way in our self-service portal
  • Feature requests, known issues and operational status
  • Additional information

Maj 2024

  • NIS2 consultation
  • Soft launch unikpånettet.dk
  • Updates to Customer Service Opening Hours in May
  • Updates to EPP-service
  • Punktum dk now also peering on DIX
  • Self-service portal - magic links and updated login support
  • Feature requests, known issues and operational status
  • Additional information

Februar 2024

  • Update to our manual ID check
  • Enhanced validation: VAT numbers during contact creation
  • Utilization of secondary contact email
  • Pre-registrar meeting survey
  • Typo-squatting alternatives on Unikpånettet.dk
  • New user guides and FAQs available
  • Feature request #2149: Change DNSSEC display in WHOIS
  • Feature requests, known issues and operational status
  • Additional information

Januar 2024

  • Incentive payout for July to December 2023
  • Postponed id-check of registrants 
  • Questions related to unikpånettet.dk
  • Registrar user guides
  • Feature Request #2149: Change DNSSEC display in WHOIS
  • About feature requests, known Issues and operational status
  • Additional information

December 2024

  • New e-mail procedure in customer service
  • Update in Self-Service Portal (SB)
  • New .dk nameserver in Jutland 
  • Punktum dk peering on AMS-IX and COMIX
  • Feature requests and known Issues
  • Operational status

November, 2023

  • New feature releases
  • Registrar user guides
  • Status on tjekpånettet.dk
  • NemID has now been replaced with MitID
  • Feature requests, known Issues and operational status

September, 2023

  • Extension of transition period until 30th of June 2025
  • New registrar portal
  • Postponed id-control for registrants using MitID
  • Status on tjekpånettet.dk
  • Feature requests, known Issues and operational status

August, 2023

  • More than 64% of all .dk domain names have a DNSSEC signing
  • Incentive payout for January to June
  • What is an incentive agreement?
  • Update on MitID for Danish companies, NemID is closing down on October 31st
  • Correct contact information on your REG-handle
  • New employee in customer service
  • Feature requests, known Issues and operational status.

Juni, 2023

  • Satisfaction survey
  • Re-directs, enable registrars to define default recipient of poll messages
  • New extension to EPP
  • EPP performance status
  • Correct registrant data
  • MitID Erhverv
  • Feature requests, known Issues and operational status

Maj, 2023

  • EPP-performance optimization
  • ID-control
  • Uniform process for incorrect registrant information
  • Restrictions when changing registrant contact information
  • NIS2 working group
  • New URLs to Punktum dk
  • Feature requests, known Issues and operational status

Marts, 2023

  • Launch date for new name and website
  • EPP-performance update
  • Customer service
  • Annual registrar survey
  • Feature requests, known Issues and operational status

Februar, 2023

  • Requirements to ID check
  • Accept to registrar management
  • MitID information
  • EPP-poll performance status
  • Changes in DNSSEC signing
  • Guide to payment to the prepaid account.
  • Feature requests, known Issues and operational status

Januar, 2023 

  • Communication on price increase
  • Incentive payout in December and more on MitID
  • EPP-performance update
  • New EPP-poll messages
  • Feature requests, known Issues and operational status

Uge 51, 2022

  • Price increase
  • Status on deletions
  • Upgrade of contact form
  • MitID
  • EPP-performance update
  • Feature requests, known Issues and operational status

Uge 49, 2022

  • Expiration date and invoicing for domain names.
  • Credit in your prepaid registrar account set to DKK 0,-
  • Update on suspensions end deletions
  • Currently work on the EPP service and testing of EPP-poll messages.
  • Feature requests, known Issues and operational status

Uge 47, 2022

  • Suspensions and deletions in the coming weeks
  • New implementation: Registrar management without ID-check.
  • Finalized implementation of Low balance notifications
  • Feature requests, known Issues and operational status

Uge 45, 2022

  • Status on suspensions and Customer support
  • Implementation of Pre-paid alarm in registrar portal.
  • Reminder: Managing a domain name on behalf of a registrant with the required Registrar management accept. 
  • Feature requests, known Issues and operational status

Uge 43, 2022

  • Status on suspension due to outstanding payment
  • Status on implementation Pre-paid alarm
  • Feature requests, known Issues and operational status

Uge 41, 2022

  • Status on suspension due to outstanding payment
  • How to set prepaid balance notifications in registrar portal
  • Feature requests, known Issues and operational status


Elin Smeby relationship manager hos Punktum dk

Elin Smeby

Relationship manager


Kontakt Elin, hvis du har spørgsmål vedrørende din forhandlerkontrakt, roadmap, nyhedsbreve eller lignende på mail eller telefon 61707708.

Kvinde læser på device

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